Did anyone catch this on Facebook? Alnico Soapbar?

Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:46 am

I can't find the post anymore, but someone was asking if that had consider making an Alnico version of the Z pickups. G&L replied that had not, but thought it was neat concept. They then went on to comment they were consider an Alnico version of the soapbar MFDs - sort of Jazzmaster thingy.

I've been sticking primarily with MFD pickups in my G&L's, but an Alnico soapbar in a SC body sound intriguing to me. Just curious what other think.


Re: Did anyone catch this on Facebook? Alnico Soapbar?

Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:06 am

I think this has been addressed to some degree by Norstrand and Rio Grande, who both produce aftermarket "improvements" of Alnico-slugged single-coils in the Asat Special form-factor.

I cannot pass up this opportunity to reiterate my hope that G&L might try this:
A split version of the Z-coil, i.e. in two physical halves like a P-Bass, Fender Electric XII etc, and separately adjustable. This could offer perfect string balance, single-coil response, hum-cancelling and also the option to be used in left-handed instruments....

Re: Did anyone catch this on Facebook? Alnico Soapbar?

Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:45 pm

G&L does seem to be experimenting with Alnico in MFDs. They've done a few L series basses with Alnico slugs. Paul experimented with both 4 and 5 string versions, though I haven't see a 5'er in the wild. There is an L-1000 currently in Seattle that is well loved by its owner for the tone and the light weight. They look like your everyday MFD, but the poles are shiny and not adjustable.



Re: Did anyone catch this on Facebook? Alnico Soapbar?

Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:59 am


Would the neck pickup in the ASAT Classic Bluesboy 90 be your thing? I'd have to do some measurements later today to compare the footprints between the wide-bobbin MFD and this P-90.

- Jos

Re: Did anyone catch this on Facebook? Alnico Soapbar?

Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:04 am

Actually I'm not looking to modify anything. I'm just interested to see/hear what Paul would come up with. I really like the soapbar MFDs in my ASAT Special Deluxe and LE-2. So a SC2 with G&L soapbar alnico would probably cause GAS.

Re: Did anyone catch this on Facebook? Alnico Soapbar?

Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:08 am

This I like the sound of a lot. Hurry and and release these alnico MFDs!