What's up with Fender (G&L recommendation)

Tue Mar 27, 2018 12:01 pm

The whole conversation is interesting, but the G&L praise (where I set the video to start at a little beyond 32 minutes) is why I'm posting it here. The question Rick posed is, "What is the best Fender style guitar out there...?" Enjoy.



Re: What's up with Fender (G&L recommendation)

Tue Mar 27, 2018 8:09 pm

"What we want Fender to be? That is G&L"
"Yeah, G&L is a more Fender company than Fender itself"

That's the thing, that's all I need to hear!! Great.

Re: What's up with Fender (G&L recommendation)

Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:53 am

Great video indeed. I can highly recommend watching the whole video as well as its "What happened to Gibson?" companion.

Thanks for posting GDub!

- Jos

Re: What's up with Fender (G&L recommendation)

Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:30 pm

I only watched from the starting point that GDub set it to, and I found the last 2 minutes really interesting about expensive vintage guitars. Not that I have anything that can be considered valuable vintage, but the point discussed is how I ended up with a Tribute Fallout. After tweaking it until it plays close to how I like it (it's not quite there yet, but close) I love the sound of the Fallout, especially the P90.

Re: What's up with Fender (G&L recommendation)

Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:24 pm

I love G&Ls and I love Fenders.

About a week ago, I traded an acoustic guitar (Martin D18) for a new Thin Skin Tele.
Played it in the store and loved it.
Came home with it and sat it next to my Bluesboy.
After an hour or so, I came to realize I liked my Bluesboy much more. It felt better, weighed less and sounded better, at least to me.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the ThinSkin and it was/is a very nice guitar. I returned it the next day and retrieved my trade as well.

I have owned a number of ThinSkins as well as Fender Custom Shop Teles (incl a Masterbuilt Tele) and loved them all. However, as a retired old fart, I find myself once again amazed at the quality and performance of G&L instruments, especially at their respective price points.

I am now in the process of negotiating a trade for a new G&L from Dave's.

Re: What's up with Fender (G&L recommendation)

Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:45 am

Great video ! , from my own honest opinion, I prefer the G&L Rampage over a Fender Strat, The Rampage has more "balls" and a more "in your face" sound whereas, a Fender Strat to me sounds too bright and "tinny" . Essentially, I consider any guitar built and produced by Leo Fender to be a "Fender guitar" but if the Rampage was considered an "iron horse" , a Fender Strat to me would be nothing more than a 12 ounce aluminum soda can. Leo has been quoted as saying G&L's are the best guitars he's ever made, and I believe it and back him totally in saying that. There are sooooo many copies of the Fender Strat out there but I stand behind G&L Guitars. I don't believe there is anything better in the Strat style of guitars. \m/