It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:05 pm

Early lunch today - Scrambled eggs, rye toast and ham. It was good.

G&L Topic - Well this week has been fun, and I've learned a lot from everyone here. You've been great and I can't thank you enough. For my G&L topic today I'd just like to say how honoured I am to be part of the 'club', as G&L would mean nothing if not for the players who play them. There seems to be a wealth of knowledge, kindness, open mindedness and variety in this community and I'm just happy to be hanging with the cool crowd. :D Now that I've blown hot air up you skirt, my question today is what aspect of your playing do you think needs the most work? For myself, I believe it to be my right hand while using a pick. I've gone too long using a pick too little, and find it sloppy. So I will be practicing on that in the coming days, weeks and months. How about you?

Non G&L Topic - Comedy! Like many I believe laughter is the best medicine. So the non G&L topic will be: Tell a joke, a funny story, upload a humorous song, anything you think might tickle our funny bones! I have a story:

A friend of mine and I were in a long drive, from mid Saskatchewan to Ontario, when two hours into our journey I see a truck pulling a loaded 'Rampmaster' trailer. I say to my friend "I have the urge to paint over that first 'a' with a 'u'.... this did not sink in for him right away. About 3 kms down the road or so it finally dawns on him, and he starts to laugh. This is bad for three reasons. First, he's eating an ice cream sandwich, and begins to hoke up a little. Second, he has false teeth, that became dislodged, and turned sideways, and moved back, and now he's full on choking, turning different shades of the rainbow. Last but not least, he's the one driving! I ask him if he needs to pull over, he shakes his head 'no'... I repeat, he's adamant 'no'.... now his nose becomes an ice cream dispenser and clearly I must now insist that he pull over and stop. We do, he catches his breath after water, some weird noises usually only reserved for deep sea animals and a "walk it off" approach... and just then, a recognizable truck drives by, towing a (now dubbed for all time) 'Rumpmaster' trailer. The End

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:27 pm

Great to have you this week Ribeye!. Lunch was a bowl of Chicken noodle while working on Ginnys new Windows 8 laptop, probably the ultimate garbage from MS.

You ask a good question today. I have been practicing using several fingers while picking and it has really paid off but the most noticeable thing has happened recently. A lot of people my age blame everything on arthritis. I gig playing bass and my left hand index finger has been giving me problems for several years, getting very sore during gigging. The doctors do not know what it is and a cortisone shot helped for two weeks. I have decided that it is soreness in the tendon. Two weeks ago I purchased a Fitness Gear hand exerciser and have been squeezing it many times throughout the day. The improvement has been dramatic. I have also noticed a fingering speed improvement and it seems to take less effort, a nice surprise.

I love humor and your story today is fun. I sat and watched some utube clips of Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed last night and they were funny, especially when Jerry hung his hat on the headstock of Chets guitar at the end of Jerrys Beakdown. Louis, I am really rolling in high tech!-- Darwin

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:41 pm

darwinohm wrote:Two weeks ago I purchased a Fitness Gear hand exerciser and have been squeezing it many times throughout the day. The improvement has been dramatic. I have also noticed a fingering speed improvement and it seems to take less effort, a nice surprise.

That's great to hear! That clip you posted is one of my fave's too Darwin! Love it, they just seem to be having a good time don't they... I love that!!

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:44 pm

Thanks for taking the reins this week, ribeye.

I saw this show very late one night and laughed a lot at this sketch, the guys performance deserves an Oscar. Probably not to everybody's taste...

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:50 pm

It's so wrong it's almost right..... haha

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:26 pm

Hey Ribeye,

Really enjoyed your stuff this week, it was fun.... not much time to respond, but March Break has just started so now some time for some R&R! As far as playing goes, I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck. If there were only 8 days a week!!

A buddy of mine just turned me on to Tosh.0. Probably not appropriate material for the board, but man is it funny, funny stuff!

Have a great weekend!


Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:37 pm

gitman001 wrote:I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions going to come your way, lots of fantastic players here. I think the players that really helped me with this are Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits and the Ventures. They both offer lots of songs that move you around the neck along with the changes. If their not your style, like I said, there will be someone on here that will suggest someone who is... Have a restful march break!!

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:16 pm

At the moment I can't think of any good stories to tell, which is strange...cause I have so many.

The things I am trying to work on..? Getting healthier is one of the big ones. I'm really trying to drop some weight, and I have lost several since January 1st, but there's a long way to go. I want to gig more. I need to clear some space around here, so I have a room to practice in and a spot to work on my guitars. I need to learn some new songs, and I have some riffs of my own that need lyrics. I've got a bunch of columns from the various guitar mags and some dvds to work on, I just need to make the time and create the space to do it. I'm thinking about taking some lessons...both on guitar and banjo.

Other than that...I don't need to work on much. LOL! I already know I'm a STAR...I just need to get out ther and let my light shine! :banana:

Oh...I did hear that Mr. McIlleny (I think that's how it's spelled) of the family that makes Tabasco Sauce recently passed away. And that made me wonder...when he goes to the gates of heaven, does St. Peter turn him away? "Oh no, you can't come in here! You're too hot for us! You gotta go to that other place!"

Jest wondering...

Good job this week!

Last edited by Boogie Bill on Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:20 pm

G&L topic: what aspect of my playing needs the most work? Seriously, that would be playing with other people. I spend too much time playing with myself :oops: and not enough time doing it with others :shock:

Non-G&L question: Not very seriously... we already have 2 road-trip themed humourous posts, and I wish to add some very British toilet humour to the road-trip mix! We all love toilet humour!!!

Great week ribeye. Thanks. Seems a few of us newbies are enjoying the LR duties! :thumbup:

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:42 pm

Boogie Bill wrote:At the moment I can't think of any good stories to tell, which is strange...cause I have so many.

The things I am trying to work on..? Getting healthier is one of the big ones. I'm really trying to drop some weight, and I have lost several since January 1st, but there's a long way to go. I want to gig more. I need to clear some space around here, so I have a room to practice in and a spot to work on my guitars. I need to learn some new songs, and I have some riffs of my own that need lyrics. I've got a bunch of columns from the various guitar mags and some dvds to work on, I just need to make the time and create the space to do it. I'm thinking about taking some lessons...both on guitar and banjo.

Other than that...I don't need to work on much. LOL! I already know I'm a STAR...I just need to get out ther and let my light shine! :banana:

Oh...I did hear that Mr. McIlleny (I think that's how it's spelled) of the family that makes Tabasco Sauce recently passed away. And that made me wonder...when he goes to the gates of heaven, does St. Peter turn him away? "Oh no, you can't come in here! You're too hot for us! You gotta go to that other place!"

Jest wondering...

Good job this week!


Well here's hoping you hit your desired weight loss goal, and get back to 100% health! May your star shine brightly! I'm not sure how famous Canadian country/folk artists are in your guys' different parts, but Stompin' Tom Connors died yesterday. He was a legend up here.

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:45 pm

Goat wrote:G&L topic: what aspect of my playing needs the most work? Seriously, that would be playing with other people. I spend too much time playing with myself :oops: and not enough time doing it with others :shock:

Non-G&L question: Not very seriously... we already have 2 road-trip themed humourous posts, and I wish to add some very British toilet humour to the road-trip mix! We all love toilet humour!!!

Great week ribeye. Thanks. Seems a few of us newbies are enjoying the LR duties! :thumbup:

:happy0065: Well played, and thanks guys for the kind words on my LR. It was fun.

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:58 pm

ribeye1974 wrote:
gitman001 wrote:I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions going to come your way, lots of fantastic players here. I think the players that really helped me with this are Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits and the Ventures. They both offer lots of songs that move you around the neck along with the changes. If their not your style, like I said, there will be someone on here that will suggest someone who is... Have a restful march break!!

don't let him bait you like that. you gotta watch some of his clips. i don't think any of us here can offer much to scott. he is a phenomenal player.

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:08 pm

louis cyfer wrote:
ribeye1974 wrote:
gitman001 wrote:I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions going to come your way, lots of fantastic players here. I think the players that really helped me with this are Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits and the Ventures. They both offer lots of songs that move you around the neck along with the changes. If their not your style, like I said, there will be someone on here that will suggest someone who is... Have a restful march break!!

don't let him bait you like that. you gotta watch some of his clips. i don't think any of us here can offer much to scott. he is a phenomenal player.

:happy0065: Thanks for the heads up Louis! Got the new guy though. :lol:

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:30 pm

Goat wrote:Non-G&L question: Not very seriously... we already have 2 road-trip themed humourous posts, and I wish to add some very British toilet humour to the road-trip mix! We all love toilet humour!!!

That is some A-grade toilet humour :happy0007:

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:02 am

louis cyfer wrote:
ribeye1974 wrote:
gitman001 wrote:I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions going to come your way, lots of fantastic players here. I think the players that really helped me with this are Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits and the Ventures. They both offer lots of songs that move you around the neck along with the changes. If their not your style, like I said, there will be someone on here that will suggest someone who is... Have a restful march break!!

don't let him bait you like that. you gotta watch some of his clips. i don't think any of us here can offer much to scott. he is a phenomenal player.

While i very much appreciate Louis complement, my intention was certainly not to bait you ribeye! :D I could have been more clear in my initial response i guess :oops: The Juries for my college students come up in a few weeks and I have been working some of them through the jazz chart "All of Me". The "changes" i was referring to were in that context... It doesn't have a lot of key changes, but it does have a lot of modal switching (mostly through some Secondary Dominant chords) which keeps you on your toes with some of the harmonic modes. I found myself having to think a little more than usual...Which is why i need the work :) Thereby answering the original question!! :lol:

Have a good one

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:22 am

gitman001 wrote:
louis cyfer wrote:
ribeye1974 wrote:
gitman001 wrote:I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions going to come your way, lots of fantastic players here. I think the players that really helped me with this are Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits and the Ventures. They both offer lots of songs that move you around the neck along with the changes. If their not your style, like I said, there will be someone on here that will suggest someone who is... Have a restful march break!!

don't let him bait you like that. you gotta watch some of his clips. i don't think any of us here can offer much to scott. he is a phenomenal player.

While i very much appreciate Louis complement, my intention was certainly not to bait you ribeye! :D I could have been more clear in my initial response i guess :oops: The Juries for my college students come up in a few weeks and I have been working some of them through the jazz chart "All of Me". The "changes" i was referring to were in that context... It doesn't have a lot of key changes, but it does have a lot of modal switching (mostly through some Secondary Dominant chords) which keeps you on your toes with some of the harmonic modes. I found myself having to think a little more than usual...Which is why i need the work :) Thereby answering the original question!! :lol:

Have a good one

Ahhhh... ok, thanks for clearing it all up. I have been working on modal changes (mostly ascending vs descending), but am no where near as advanced as what you're working on. Everybody here probably already knows what you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft... A flat 'minor'.. GRROOAANNN

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:24 am

gitman001 wrote:
louis cyfer wrote:
ribeye1974 wrote:
gitman001 wrote:I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions going to come your way, lots of fantastic players here. I think the players that really helped me with this are Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits and the Ventures. They both offer lots of songs that move you around the neck along with the changes. If their not your style, like I said, there will be someone on here that will suggest someone who is... Have a restful march break!!

don't let him bait you like that. you gotta watch some of his clips. i don't think any of us here can offer much to scott. he is a phenomenal player.

While i very much appreciate Louis complement, my intention was certainly not to bait you ribeye! :D I could have been more clear in my initial response i guess :oops: The Juries for my college students come up in a few weeks and I have been working some of them through the jazz chart "All of Me". The "changes" i was referring to were in that context... It doesn't have a lot of key changes, but it does have a lot of modal switching (mostly through some Secondary Dominant chords) which keeps you on your toes with some of the harmonic modes. I found myself having to think a little more than usual...Which is why i need the work :) Thereby answering the original question!! :lol:

Have a good one

i know you didn't mean to bait him, it was accidental, but it was still successful. :mrgreen:

Re: It Was Brunch Really...

Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:30 am

louis cyfer wrote:
gitman001 wrote:
louis cyfer wrote:
ribeye1974 wrote:
gitman001 wrote:I certainly need to work on playing through changes a bit more - A lot of the concepts are relatively simple, in terms of the theory behind it, but can be tough to map out on the neck.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions going to come your way, lots of fantastic players here. I think the players that really helped me with this are Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits and the Ventures. They both offer lots of songs that move you around the neck along with the changes. If their not your style, like I said, there will be someone on here that will suggest someone who is... Have a restful march break!!

don't let him bait you like that. you gotta watch some of his clips. i don't think any of us here can offer much to scott. he is a phenomenal player.

While i very much appreciate Louis complement, my intention was certainly not to bait you ribeye! :D I could have been more clear in my initial response i guess :oops: The Juries for my college students come up in a few weeks and I have been working some of them through the jazz chart "All of Me". The "changes" i was referring to were in that context... It doesn't have a lot of key changes, but it does have a lot of modal switching (mostly through some Secondary Dominant chords) which keeps you on your toes with some of the harmonic modes. I found myself having to think a little more than usual...Which is why i need the work :) Thereby answering the original question!! :lol:

Have a good one

i know you didn't mean to bait him, it was accidental, but it was still successful. :mrgreen:

Hook, line and sinker!