Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:29 am

First off, thanks for all the lively discussion yesterday. The civility shown in the discussion was incredible. Definitely shows the quality people we have here on both sides of that particular fence.

Lunch -- Today's lunch will be something from the work cafeteria. Probably a cheeseburger or chicken strips. I'll get some vegetables and maybe some rice too.

G&L Topic -- Again, I'm sorry if this has been covered a million times but… Would you buy a USA set neck LP type G&L? One like the Ascari but a different body shape or just would you buy a USA Ascari? On that note, have any of you bought an Ascari? What do you think? Whats the feel like? I would like to get a hold of one eventually. I love the looks of that P90 equipped one…

Non-G&L Topic -- Man… I hope you guys have seen the "Ship my pants?!" Commercial from KMART. I love this commercial. If just one of you have not seen this and you get a laugh from it today this will be an awesome post for me haha…
Here it is -- [youtube]I03UmJbK0lA[/youtube]

I also really like that new Shark Week commercial where Snuffy gets eaten. What are some of your favorite commercials?

Talk to you tomorrow,

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:44 am

Ahh shoot one thing I wanted to do was post a youtube song each day I didnt do that on Monday so here are two --

My dad's been messing with a B-Bender lately and he's been playing Sleep Walk utilizing that B-Bender. For some reason we stumbled on to this video with Jeff Skunk Baxter. What a talent... geez!

Here's a full concert video of one of my favorite bands right now --

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:13 am

That commercial is at least a tad better than (was it arby's) the commercials advertising a sandwich that will:
"make you sit" ...or the hideous Burger King 'king' campaign...and they think this will help with sales??
(Arby's probably had something the week before that stops you up.)

Here's one that I find just delightful .

Dick Balch used car commercials from the early seventies were progressive as much as they were neandrethal (what does that say about our evolution...hmmm)
He would let you whack a big old boat of a car with a sledgehammer for a buck.
I'll see if I can find a vid.

Not sure about the ascari, they are pretty low cost .If they don't feel like an epiphone I might like 'em.
Epi's always feel light in the neck and the tuners are far from precision.
If they offer up a USA version with a full inch or so of a top I could see some interest.
It is still a stretch for me to see those as coming from the same family as the guitars like the broadcaster,old s-500's, comanche's, etc.


Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:38 am

Would you buy a USA set neck LP type G&L? Quite simply it would come down to whether a G&L set neck short scale was competitive in terms of what I was looking for at the time ... if yes, then yes. It's great to see G&L looking to attract broader interest with the Ascari and Fiorentino and I don't see a problem if they can do it well (although it is a competitive part of the market). I do have a problem with the marketing efforts to connect the Ascari/Fiorentino with an early George and Leo concept though ... too far a stretch me thinks ... and probably irrelevant to most of the target demographic. I agree that the Ascari P90 looks cool though.

What are some of your favorite commercials? Hmmm . never know whether to laugh or cry at this series of commercials ..


cheer, Robbie

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:49 am

Blackberry Smoke - cool! I enjoyed that a lot. The bass player is the spitting image of a drummer I used to play with.

Sleep Walk is a bonafide classic, love playing that song. I LOVE the final three chords in the original version.

Just the other day I was mucking about with the guitar unplugged and had it's back faced towards me and noticed that a lot of the sound seemed to come from the neck joint area and began wondering how much it affects the overall sound of the guitar. I'd be keen for a set neck US G&L, or even better a neck through, but with the usual scale length. I doubt its on the cards though, they push the "Birth place of Bolt-on" thing pretty hard.

Car dealer ads are hilarious. This beauty from several years ago in Western Australia is awful on so many levels. Probably highly offensive to America's indigenous people so be warned.

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:57 am

No lunch yet but it will be a sandwich.

I have bolt on, set neck, and neck through guitars and really don't have a preference. The set necks may require a reset at some point which is expensive. I do like my neck though Carvin bass as it eliminates the heel.

I would not buy a LP type G&L only because I do not care for the LP look. I really like the Leo look and most of my guitars are of that type. We all have different tastes and that is what makes the world interesting.

The K-Mart commercial is one of the funniest I have seen. It is great! I recently saw another commercial that made me laugh but I can't recall what it was.

Fun music clips today so far. Jamie posted Sleepwalk which is truly a classic. Here is our bands version.-- Darwin

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:56 am

HAHAHA.... great stuff here today!

I have not had a chance to play the Ascari, so i am not sure i would shell out big $ for a USA version. They definitely have a cool look to them though.

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:24 am

I like the "ship my pants" commercial. In a way it reminds me of this campaign from the 1990s:


The Ascari is too pointy for my tastes, but I would be all over a G-200 reissue. They have the CNC code for a 24.75" neck from the Ascari and the pickups in the F-100, so why not???


Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:28 am

Jeff "Skunk" Baxter..........for those not aware, he works for the U.S. government on missile defense.
"Baxter fell into his second profession almost by accident. In the mid-1980s, Baxter's interest in music recording technology led him to wonder about hardware and software that was originally developed for military use, i.e. data-compression algorithms and large-capacity storage devices. As it happened, his next-door neighbor was a retired engineer who had worked on the Sidewinder missile program. This neighbor bought Baxter a subscription to Aviation Week magazine, provoking his interest in additional military-oriented publications and missile defense systems in particular. He became self-taught in this area, and at one point he wrote a five-page paper that proposed converting the ship-based anti-aircraft Aegis missile into a rudimentary missile defense system. He gave the paper to California Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher, and his career as a defense consultant began.
Backed by several influential Capitol Hill lawmakers, Baxter received a series of classified security clearances. In 1995, Pennsylvania Republican congressman Curt Weldon, then the chairman of the House Military Research and Development Subcommittee, nominated Baxter to chair the Civilian Advisory Board for Ballistic Missile Defense."

Read more about it here:

Here is one of the more inventive commercials

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Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:01 am




Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:28 am

Well if we are going to be posting foreign commercials that's a different story. Americans are such prudes--the foreign advertisers can get away with so much more. There are some great commercials that would never get shown on U.S. television.
Many are probably not safe for work.

Search Youtube for:

Korean Noodles Commercial
Swedish English Commercial (A Reason to Learn English)
Nomad Commercial Banned

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:05 pm

I'd defineltly like to take a fiorano for a spin 8-) incredible value for money too.
Regarding skunk Baxter I'd read some where that he was part of a think tank that was used to probe America's defenses comprising various dire scenarios.apparently he eerily predicted the methodology used on 9-11.he's held in very high regard by the military & is still one of the top go too guys for possible future scenarios last I knew.the "dirty bomb" hypotheses was another he was actively consulted about.

Got a laugh out of this commercial a while back :D


Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:54 pm

Hey There Pat,

As far as a USA set neck G&L, especially in LP style, I will have to give a resounding no thanks.

Funny K-mart commercial, got a chuckle.

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:42 pm

So many great commercials...

Elwood, I remember those Dick Balch ads from years ago. I actually met him at the height of his popularity (insanity?), and let me tell you...that was no act. He WAS nuts. LOL!

I have played the Ascari models, which I prefer over the Fiorano. They are really nice, with a feel similar to my GR-520 Ghostriders. The P-90 is especially interesting to me. While I would possibly be interested in a USA made guitar, I am committed to the Les Pauls and the Ghostriders.

But the set neck models are so far outside the core business of G&L that I really can't see them doing it.


Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:04 pm

those evian kids seem like the type of people i would hang out with if i were born this year.

i liked the commercial with the guy handcuffed to the bed finding the large panties the best.

i like gibson guitars.

i like the traditional fender style g&ls.

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:03 pm

Salmon wrote:those evian kids seem like the type of people i would hang out with if i were born this year.

i liked the commercial with the guy handcuffed to the bed finding the large panties the best.

i like gibson guitars.

i like the traditional fender style g&ls.

if you want to know what kind of people evian is made for, the clue is in there. just spell it backwards.

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:29 pm

just curious once again, how much Danone do sell their Evian bottles in the US ?

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:36 pm


once a year the 1l 6-pack is on sale for $6.99. more often on sale for $7.99 sometimes $8.99 but when not on sale it ranges from $9.99 to $11.99. the larger bottle are usually between $2.00-$2.59 per bottle


that only applies if you listen to the water backwards.

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:48 pm

OMG !!! What a business plan they have ! I understand why Mineral Water is the more performing product of the group :D

Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:19 am

Boogie Bill wrote:So many great commercials...

Elwood, I remember those Dick Balch ads from years ago. I actually met him at the height of his popularity (insanity?), and let me tell you...that was no act. He WAS nuts. LOL!


Found a clip:


and this post on a blog...was this you maybe?

"Anonymous said...
I too remember and i was only about 10-12yrs old...then amazingly so when i was 17-18yrs old, i was asked if i wanted to party at Dick's house and that was one memorable night to say the least ..we needed to leave quickly."

(from this page- ... cades.html )

I gotta post a couple more NW classics while I'm at it.

Rainier beer used to taste pretty good and they had great commercials....what has happened to this world????



Re: Lunch Report -- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:48 pm

Would I buy a set neck LP-type G&L? Hmmmm that's a toughie. Maybe if it had MFDs in it of the 'bucker or single coil variety. With PAF-type pickups? Probably not. I've had a 3 LPs over the years (2 Specials, and one doublecut Junior), and they all had P90s in them. LPs with 'buckers in them kind of leave me feeling "meh" sound-wise.