Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:20 am

Hello campers and welcome to the post Thanksgiving Lunch Report, all attempts will be made to avoid the tryptophan effect “no turkeys served” this week and I look forward to learning a few things from you as well.

Since I have been off the grid for a while for a wide variety of reasons l will start by introducing myself to the new names I have seen lately – I am Sam (Sam I Am), and have been chasing G&L guitars since the late 80’s and have a severe ASAT affliction, 10 as of today and always on the lookout for new additions. To familiar names, howdy all!

I play and enjoy listening to a wide variety of music genres. The Beatles were my introduction to music and still a favorite today. Over the years I became a fan of everything from the Dead to the Pistols to Floyd to The Shadows, and these days I still seem to bounce from style to style depending on the mood.

For the college football fans, there were definitely some exciting games this weekend, did your team win?


What’s for lunch? After sufficient turkey and appropriate side dishes for a few days I will go light today with a simple salad and a bit of fruit along with a cup of unsweet iced tea. That brings a question to mind for the tea drinkers, do you prefer hot tea or iced tea? If you prefer iced tea do you lean to the southern sweet tea or unsweetened?

I don’t drink coffee so it’s hot tea on a regular basis and when on the rocks, I like unsweetened. If it is sweet, I avoid the super sugary mixtures.

G&L Topic
Over the last couple of years G&L has introduced a few new guitars (LE2, Fallout, ASAT Classic alnico and Cantrell), behind the scenes Paul Gagon has apparently been a very busy man designing pups and stomp boxes as well. Kudos to Paul, and stomp boxes will be addressed later in the week.

Currently I do not own a true G&L with Paul Gagon pups but do have a Agile T style guitar that I put Gagon alnico bridge pup. This pup changed the sound of this little project to the point I may actually keep it. It is in the hands of a friend right now as he is jazz player who wants to try on some T style spank.


I spent a very significant amount of time doing A/B between a ASAT Classic alnico and a 52 tele in a shop in Los Angeles area and found myself going back to the ASAT over and over for both the sound and that good ol’ G&L feel. To my ears they cover every bit of the Alnico V sound and have richer sound than the 52 tele. So why didn’t I buy you ask…well there was this little thing called a Broadcaster I came across the same day. An ASAT Classic Alnico is one of my top choices next ASAT.

The ASAT Deluxe Carved top with more Gagon pups has enough killer reviews and Pro Guitar uses it many reviews that has sent many buyers to the checkout line with one in hand. I have played a few and these little babies definitely hold their own against similar guitars.

What are your impressions of Paul’s new pup designs and which one will take you to the checkout line?


Non-G&L Topic
When yer not playing a G&L what stringed instruments do you play or have interest in playing? i.e. Classical guitar, Ukelele, resonator?

Luckily my wife supports my music addiction (to certain level ;) and surprised me with a resonator last year. As she said “It was something I didn’t think you would buy on your own.” And she was right but this is a sweet guitar and sounds cool. This sounds even better when played with a slide and in the hands of a better player than me. It has a round back instead of a square back which I do not like the feel nearly as much. For a lower price resonator all reviews I have seen and in this price range it is hard to beat.

A tenor ukulele is next on my list. Listen to Jake Shimabukuro for a while and you will see a uke is way beyond Tiny Tim.

Thanks for tuning in and I look forward to reading your responses.

Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:43 pm

Hi Sam:

Welcome back, nice to hear from you again!

Today's lunch was left over turkey soup......and a couple of slices of leftover pizza. Loved it.

As far as the new pups go, I'm waiting for the LE-2 and am looking forward to the pup combination in that one. I keep wanting to cancel the order since its been so long, but probably won't as the pup combination is different than anything else and also because we have been promised "Firsts" on this guitar. We'll see.

I wanted to learn the harmonica, too tough. I played clarinet in high school for a bit so I'd love to try the SAX.......


Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:30 pm

Soup & salad for me today - gotta cut back after four days off work and all that glorious turkey gluttony..

As for tea, my answer: Yes. I was stationed in Georgia for a couple years and fell in love with sweet tea. Then I learned about green tea in Okinawa, then moved (back) here and found unsweetened tea. I like them all. From Chai Tea to Green, sweet or not I will take it.

I'm not too into any of the newer pickup designs, but I haven't really looked either. The exception for me might be the S-500 pickups, but I don't think those are PG designs. My favorite setup is three single coil alnicos.

Guitar is the first and only instrument I've ever (tried) to learn to play. In the summer though I spent much more time on my acoustic because its way better to get outside here when you can.

I meant to ask if that is you playing the resonator? /edit/ I guess not the the Uke...

Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:29 pm

In addition to the guitar, I also play a bass, a 5-string banjo and a little bit of harmonica. I can build chords on the piano, but I can't really play it. I have been playing a lot of acoustic guitar lately, and just picked up my 55th guitar: a new Martin D-18GE Golden Era Sunburst, and it is AMAZING!

I like all of the G&L pickups on my Legacys, Comanches, S-500 and Legacy Specials. I also have the ASAT Deluxe with the Duncan '59 and TB-4 and it is good. Most of the time if I am going to swap pickups it will be something from Duncan. I have some Antiquity PAFs, Seth Lovers and Pearly Gates in some of my Les Pauls. Some of my older Legacys have the Duncan SSL-2s, and I have one Legacy with the Antiquity Texas Hot set. I'm also a big fan of the Gotohs in the Legacy Special.

I haven't tried any of the new Gagnon pickups yet, except for the ones in the Tribute Ascari HB.

There were some amazing finishes this week in college football. Anxiously awaiting MNF...hoping my Seahawks can win another one.


Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:35 pm

had chicken strips with barbecue sauce and fries today , my stand by lunch if I don't feel like the daily lunch special

My Legacy has PG pick ups in it , I for sure like the sounds but it might be fourth or fifth in my favorites behind my SC 2 , ASAT Classic , Comanche and S 500 , I do have a ASAT Deluxe on order along with the LE 2 but I thought my deluxe has SD's in it ??..... either way I sure would like to see one of them show up on the door step soon .... I do like the new G & L's along with the Leo era's and haven't found a G & L pick up I didn't like to be honest .... I am also pretty happy with my Blacksmith stomp box but I can wait for your stomp box LR to post on that

I started guitar and then Voila in grade school and sometimes I dabble with the Harmonica but thats all .... I would be open to trying different instruments

that Ohio vs Michigan game was pretty good

nice LR Sam !! , Eric

Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:28 pm

Good to see a lunch report Sam! I had lunch out today, pork and veggies on rice. It was pretty good.

I do have Gagon pickups in the Alnico Launch Asat and I have a Bluesboy with the Alnico bridge. I love the Alnicos. They are very vintage in sound and very rich for Alnicos. I have had opportunities to try the P90's but have never plugged them in. II seldom plug a G&L in when I buy them. They all sound good and I do that after I get them home. Pickups can always be changed if needed and I haven't had to yet. I use the looks and feel test and the resonance uplugged. The rest can be fixed! As for other instruments, I played many while in college and do none of them now. I still gig as a bass player but really like six string guitars. I did a quick check on the new registry entries tonight and I think that Jos must hold the record for Asats! He has a bunch of recent entries, all cool stuff.

I do have a guitar which I may set up for slide. Time is the issue. retirement isn't easy! I spent Sunday recording Bass tracks. That fits in with the pickup theme as the Asat bass pickups are dynamite for recording direct. Leo knew how to design pickups. He didn't do badly at guitars either.

I really enjoyed the uke player. He didn't take lessons from Tiny Tim who by the way, spent his last years in the twin cities.

Ginny has really supported my music escapades. She is not a vocal promoter but gets it when it counts. I seldom find anything that really wants to follow me home anymore, actually a nice feeling.

I was somewhat bummed to learn that there are 5 string Asat Basses around although few. I would love one. I use my Savannah Asat for recording but seldom gig it. If it were a 5 string it would be my main squeeze. She is also a looker, the perfect squeeze but short a string. If I were only short a string, I would be lucky. :shocked028: Darwin

Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:32 pm

Hi Sam. Good to see you back online.

College football? Na, not interested.
The only team I follow is the Patriots. They won on Sunday, but just barely over a team that should have been a blowout.

I do like a good cup of coffee. But 9 times out of 10 I'll have hot tea.
I'll have an ice tea once in a blue moon. But no sugar! I had a Georgia sweet tea once about 20 years ago and dang near went into a diabetic coma.

A ukulele in the right hands can sound pretty awesome. Like in that video. In my hands they sound like a toy.

Paul G does seem like a busy guy. There are quite a few I'd like to check out.
So many guitars and so little money.


Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:09 pm

Sounds like a good mix of players in the group today, appreciate all replies.

Alf - I am looking forward to LE-2 pup reports as well. If that came in an ASAT body I would have been all over it. When the saints come marching in is as close to harmonica as I got. Bought a Hohner Marine band in my youth after hearing Roger Daltrey play with the Who and Saint marching in music was in the box. Came close but no cigar and definately non Daltrey. Thanks and I have a guitar to share with you this week. :silent:

Bloodied - Georgia will do that to ya, they mix some sweet tea down there. Was with in laws in Savannah area for Thanksgiving and my brother in law likes it very sweet. For three singles you need to try the Z coils in a ASAT Z3 or Commanche, those rock IMHO.

Bill - I always knew you are the musical Rennesaince man. :thumbup: The banjo is another instrument I would like to try. The Seahawks seem to have things under control right now. I hope yer feeling good these days.

Eric - you may be on track with PG pup comments that I can't say I dislike any G&L pup just some with different characteristics for different tones. Big MFD's and Z coils are my first runners now.

Darwin - you are always a wealth of knowledge and have a G&L herd to A/B about anything. :banana: Jake Shimabukuro is the real deal. My work gets me to Hawaii on occasion and that is where I learned more about ukes and Jake. Did not know about Tiny Tim and Twin Cities. Jos is the ASAT king for sure, we can only aspire.

Jeff - thanks for jumping in, and ukes can be amazing instruments in the right hands, not mine either. Patriots, they still keep coming around don't they? :shocked003:

Back to latest project.......

Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:29 pm

I here you on the big MFD's and Z coils !! .... I put a WR bridge Z coil on the bridge of my Comanche and man I really like it , what a difference !! .... I will have to get the Comanche and S 500 together for a shoot out now that the grand kids are gone .... my only big MFD guitar right now is my SC 2 with DF and it sounds so beautiful through a 1976 Fender Super Reverb it's breath taking , should have a Broadcaster in a couple months that will be my second big MFD guitar and first G & L with saddlelock bridge , can't wait to play it and see what the saddle lock sounds like through my gear

Re: Pickup Monday Lunch Report 12-2-13

Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:11 am

Hey Sam, great to see you back around and as LR.

I had my first ever thanksgiving dinner a couple of weeks ago. The guitarist in my band is a Texan, and he and his girlfriend had a big party for it, they both say its their favourite holiday. They got the date wrong so it was a week early, but nobody here would have known if they didn't tell us! It was great fun and I've never seen so many dishes served all together, one that sticks in the mind was the yams baked with marshmallows.

It's not American football, but Australia had an absolute cracker of a game against Wales in the rugby this weekend, probably one of the best I've seen. I always enjoy it when these two teams play but find it difficult to choose a team - I'm my mothers side of the family is Welsh, but I've grown up in Australia. Its all very confusing.

I'd love to try the Gagon alnico ASAT pickups, they'll be in the next one I order. The P90s are the only Gagon designed pickups I've tried and I love them.

That resonator sounds great. I was checking out the National ResoTone a couple of months ago after and have been waiting for one to come up used. Not a single one has, so they must be alright. I'd set one of my ASATs up for slide but I know that I'd miss playing it :)

I have a crazy week ahead but will check in when I can :thumbup: