Welcome to the www.guitarsbyleo.com Registry, the web's largest instrument registry!!  The goal of the Registry project is to compile as complete a database of G&L date, serial number, and instrument feature information as we possibly can.  If you own a G&L, please submit it!!  The benefits that this database will provide to researchers and collectors (present and future) should be obvious, and the success of Jim Werner's list of Fender data (known to its participants simply as "The List") stands as ample proof of the concept.  Your guitar and bass data is needed in order for this project to be a success!  Also check out the G&L Rarebirds section below to learn about another cool thing that we're already using the Registry data for!

Instruments Registered: 27536
LEARN about the Registry!

Just for grins, I thought it'd be cool to keep tabs on all of the rare, hard-to-find G&Ls that have been submitted to the Registry (*).  Below you will find a fairly exhaustive listing of G&L's "Rarebirds (1981-2007)"; click on the model names (or images) to view detailed subpages containing background information, photos, and a complete listing of all registered examples. For a current complete list of G&L Rarebirds, see the Knowledgebase (General G&L Questions sub-forum).

Year(s) Model Num. Produced Num. Registered
2007 The Phyllis Model: "Blondie" Limited Edition 100 24
2007 F-100 Return Edition Limited Edition 100 22
2007 BABP Limited Edition 23 18
2006 ASAT Trinity Special Edition 25 27
2006 G&L 25th Anniversary 250 55
2000 ASAT G&L 20th Anniversary 50 27
1999 ASAT Blues Boy 32 23
1999 ASAT '50 10 8
1999 ASAT Z-2 10 8
1999 www.guitarsbyleo.com Limited Edition 25 23
1999 Custom Creations Rampage 70 17
1998-2000 ASAT Junior 250 115
1998 ASAT Classic III 100 34
1995-96 ASAT Custom (1996) Approx. 25 17
1995 John Jorgenson Signature ASAT Approx. 190 63
1991-92 ASAT Classic Leo Fender Commemorative 350 101
1991-92 ASAT Bass Leo Fender Commemorative 150 14
1989-91 Comanche VI Unknown 45
1988-91 Comanche V Unknown 18
1988-92 L-5000 Approx. 400 109
1988-91 ASAT III (Pre-BBE) Approx. 150 78
1985-86 Broadcaster 869 410
1984-91 Interceptor Bass Approx. 400 39
1983-91 Interceptor (All Body Styles) Unknown 90
1983 Nighthawk 269 106
1982-84 HG-2 (Both Body Styles) Unknown 25
1982-83 SC-1 Approx. 250 131
1982-83 HG-1 Unknown 0
1982-83 SC-3 (Mustang-style Body) Approx. 350 57
1981-82 G-200 209 78

* The fine print:  Note that for our purposes, the Rarebirds are those models with a production total of 400 or less; in addition, I make a special exception for the Broadcaster due to its "limited edition" nature (and fame).  Naturally, for any given G&L model there are going to be unique and/or otherwise rare or "one-off" instruments - for example, the candy lemon F-100s. I do not attempt to document such intra-model rarities here. Similarly, G&L has produced a plethora of non-production prototypes throughout the years, and the only such prototypes that I attempt to document here are some of the more sought-after and/or well-known examples, such as the second-style X-body Interceptors and the ASAT Customs.  Finally, you'll notice that some models list "Unknown" in the "Num. Made" column - these are models which are thought to be quite rare, but for which precise production figures are not currently available.

The Registry is powered by: AutoRegistry v1.0 (Copyright © 2000 Brad W. Traweek)

(Special thanks to Greg Gagliano for initially suggesting the idea of a G&L registry, and for hand-maintaining the "offline" version of this registry for the first year of its existence.)

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