Lunch Report for August 17, 2016

Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:36 am

Hi All,

Todays gratuitous G&L pic:


Lunch today: A sandwich of some sort on a sourdough roll. I just have not decided on the guts/meat part of the deal yet. Maybe some strawberries for dessert.

G&L topic: I would like to see G&L do a lap steel to honor how C. Leo Fender his guitar building. I know it's not mainstream, but........ Epiphone just came out with a new lap steel.

Todays music: I am currently listening to Hawai'ian music on the internet radio channel. I have not forsaken rock & roll, but I must say that I love the Hawai'ian stuff too.

Details on my lap steels. Obviously, the bridge is the SLB. The P-90s are from various sources. The MFD pups are obvious. And the 'bucker looking thing is a Filtertron from TV Jones.

Later days, and play some music :)


Re: Lunch Report for August 17, 2016

Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:13 pm

Here's a contraption I put together. The bridge pickup is from a 1954 Champ lap steel, it really nails many classic rock tunes.
The neck pickup is an old EMG SA, the body was from a homemade bass :silent:


I'm thinking cucumber based sammich with this yummy vegan ranch dressing that's become a staple.

Have you sold/donated any of your instruments yet? I'm guessing at some point I'll send a couple instruments
towards the local schools. After a good set-up of course .


Re: Lunch Report for August 17, 2016

Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:15 pm

Hi Ed,

Thanks for posting! It would be very interesting to see G&L produce a lap steel. I've never played one myself, but it's on my bucket list. Out of curiosity, what do you use for amplification? Do you find any difference in how amps respond to lap steels vs. electric guitars with the same P-90 & MFD pickups?

I haven't had much exposure to Hawaiian music, but I did have the pleasure of hearing George Winston (best known as a pianist on Windham Hill records in the 1980s) perform Hawaiian music on an acoustic back in the late 1990s. He was in town for a piano concert, and stopped by the hospital I worked at to play an impromptu concert on guitar in the children's ward.


Re: Lunch Report for August 17, 2016

Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:23 pm

Hey ed and happy Lunch Report to you!

Was half way expecting pics from the Jeff Beck show. Anything on sour dough bread sounds good to me.

To me, lap steels are both very cool and a intriguing, yours are in the very cool category. There are MFD's, Z coils and the P90's, also, the pup location varies. How do they differ in sound? I have two ASAT's with b-benders so I definitely love the sound, just never tried to play one. Maybe some time on youtube watching and learning could lead to a purchase.

I dig Hawai'ian music as well. Picked up a tenor uke a few years back and my oldest daughter plays a soprano uke too. Learned Eagles Lyin' Eyes on uke last week. Here is my Ana Ole, a small builder from Hawaii. Owner Gareth "Bula" Yahiku, a super nice guy.


a couple of Lyin Eyes videos, one with vocals and one great instrumental close up, enjoy!


Re: Lunch Report for August 17, 2016

Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:50 pm

Hi Sam,

We were WAY to far away from the stage to even think about pix. But my daughter had a great for a first concert, of any type. Not just rock. And she got a great treat of Blues & Rock, the way they should be played, by people who know how to do it :)



Re: Lunch Report for August 17, 2016

Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:44 am

Thanks for the radio link Ed, great stuff!

I've dabbled in lap steel a few times but never persevere, not that I don't love the instrument but it takes me some serious time to get my head around whats going on. I had a great instructional DVD presented by Cindy Cashdollar, ex-Asleep At The Wheel, that was a great help but lost it a while back.

One of my all-time favourite musicians is Jerry Byrd, a lap steel player who played a lot of Hawaiian music.

Re: Lunch Report for August 17, 2016

Thu Aug 18, 2016 10:40 am

Lunch yesterday was a pastrami sandwich, chips, and a banana. :banana:

I've never played a lap steel, but I think it would be cool if G&L made one.

Listened to some Bob Mould on the way home yesterday.

Thanks for the report edg!