LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:53 am

Trip postponed…

Lunch today is a ham and cheese sub-sandwich, an apple, and grapefruit flavored sparkling La Croix. Been switching to these flavored sparking waters and trying to eliminate soft drinks most days.

G&L Topic

My first G&L was a Tribute ASAT Special Deluxe. It is in natural finish with a flame maple top. Prior to this guitar, the only electric guitar I had owned were both humbucker LP type guitars. I had decided I needed a single coil guitar and couple of the local shops carried G&L (though I don’t know much about them at the time). I did some research and I was intrigued by what I read about the large MFDs, so I started looking for a good deal on an ASAT Special. Ended up winning an eBay auction for the Special Deluxe. It took a little bit to adjust from HB, but soon I just fell I love with the tone and brand. What your first G&L?

Non G&L Topic

My main amp is a Vox AC15C1 and I really enjoy it. It has been good switching back to my amp at church having it mic’d. I recently watched some video demos comparing the tone of different power tubes. So far, I prefer the EL84 tube like the Vox uses. Lately though, I have been intrigued by the new Supro amps (Dual-Tone) and the use of 6973 tubes. My concern is the lack of a master volume. I bet that amp is rather loud by the time the preamp is pushed to breakup. I’ve also notice Music-Man has reissued amps, though it appears they are not being sold in the US. What is your main amp? Any amps peaked your interest?

Music Topic

I have been adding to my music collection lately. I have been enjoying Bash and Pop’s latest offering Anything Could Happen. So decided to visit Tommy’s website and noticed another one of his projects Perfect. So went on a search to find Once, Twice, Three Time a Maybe. I have to say, it did not disappoint. You have any gems you’ve found recently?


Cheers, Dan

Re: LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:57 am

Today IDK. But LaCroix became a staple somehow; had Cola flavored LaCroix the other day, I liked it but I think my wife almost vomited.

First G&L
My first is my '87 SC3 . Found it on eBay in December, no one bid on it and it was a local pickup (Culver City anyway.) Pics were dreadful, you could barely tell what it was- But it's actually in great condition minus a lot of belt rash on the back. Best vibrato in the world as far as staying in tune. Basically I couldn't turn down a Fullerton, Leo-era G&L for under $400 .

However my G&L "thing" began two years earlier when my dad picked up his F100 ; it needed a bit of work at that time, but I still fell in love when I first played it. He basically bought it because I almost dared him to; we would forward each other gear ads to tempt each other and that time it worked somehow. Never thought the guitar would wind up being mine just two years later- that's a story I've told elsewhere on the forum, but I'm trying to build that guitar to be all it can be now- found NOS hardtail bridge saddles to replace the DFV saddles that wouldn't intonate or raise high enough, red and black rubber switch tip, and now a refin in the original color.

Have tended not to use one lately, I have an audio interface I use with GarageBand to record, and play through a PA monitor. It actually sounds... Good. But when I want to use an amp I have a few- a Silverface Champ with 1x12" Warehouse speaker in a separate cabinet, a Fender Libra 100 watt 4x12" and an ancient Jordan solid state 1x12 thing. I also have a Vox AC4C1 . RFT preamp tubes were a VAST improvement in the tone stack useability. Can pair it with a cheap Peavey 4x12" I have, but really doesn't sound any better and I don't need to annoy the neighbors.

I want an Orange again but can't really justify it. My last one was an AD5 ; not my kind of amp, VERY icepicky and not Orange-like at all. Sold it and bought a Squier Jazzmaster.

Not in the mood for new music lately, I've been on a nostalgia kick revisiting a lot of bands from the early 2000s when I was in high school- A lot of bands I wrote off as juvenile but now sort of appreciate more: Blink 182 , Smashing Pumpkins etc. Also old college staples like Dinosaur Jr. (but they're older than that.) Most recently I was on a big Pavement/Steven Malkmus kick. It's been a while since I found really new music I like and I'm comfortable for the time being sticking with what I know. Don't know how long that will last.

Re: LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:58 am

Ham and cheese for me as well. Help my in laws today, was a good break from labor. ;)

My first G&L was a black Asat Classic Signature. Was my last purchase prior to getting married, so G&L kept my sanity prior to marriage. The madness has continued for 26 years. Both marriage and G&L purchases!

A few amps around but a Boogie Lonestar Special and Boogie F-50 get most use. Lately been playing a Fender blues Deluxe I had modded for better sound and volume knob sweep. Lot of C&W with more cleans lately so I’ve been looking hard at either a Fender Twin, Pro Reverb or a Deluxe Reverb. Twin is probably too much and too loud, so other two are front runners. Anybody have preference of these Fender amps? Princeton Reverb is possible or Boogie Blue Angel but for clean Bakersfield sound the others may be best. Opinions appreciated.

Along the line of my amp search, Don Rich, Buck Owens, Dwight Yoakam and Merle Haggard have been on the Itunes play list most days. :elguitar054:

Re: LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:22 am

Lunch: (well, sorta brunch to be sure). Kale salad with Jalapeno, salsa, and diced hard boiled eggs. My daily work "brunch" - it ain't purdy, but I've lost round 40 lbs since April - but I've only got another 15 or so lbs to go.

First G&L: Mine was an American 93 Legacy. I traded it this year (with no regrets) for a brand new Taylor 214 deluxe. If I hadn't had a Tribute Comanche that I absolutely love, I probably wouldn't have traded it away, but I really wanted a new Taylor. I ended up buying another Tribute as well (to make me feel better (blueburst ASAT Special, sounds great!) about my loss). Whenever I play out, I am almost always playing the Comanche.

Main Amp: I had a few amps along the way, but when I picked up a modded Fender Blues Junior, I decided to trim down a bit - so it's my only amp at the moment.. well. Almost only amp, I suppose I have two others (a Marshall and a base amp) but I never use them for anything anymore. I'm mostly playing strats and teles these days, so the Blues Jr. works awesome (Mods keep it from sounding "boxy" and the Texas Heat speaker leaves me tons of headroom. There are a few amps I'd like, but I don't have a "dream amp" category. I'd like to try out a Mesa Boogie. There are probably a couple of dozen older tube amps I'd love to have, but I'm not really a versatile player. I think a lot of my "sound" comes from my hands, not my amps - which might sound elitist, but it's really quite the opposite. I'm just not good enough to need a better amp! I sound just as bad on whatever I'm playing on.

Music: I don't really listen to the radio anymore. I go through phase. I was listening to Bob Marley for months, then shifted to the Police for a few months, then to Tom Petty, then to 21 Pilots, then to Paul Williams (specifically the Phantom of the Paradise soundtrack) and Jeff Wayne's Musical version of the War of the Worlds. It's kind of an eclectic mess really. I used to sing, and so a lot of the music I like was formerly music I liked to sing. My range is all messed up now (stupid aging), so that explains some of it.

Forever Autumn

Re: LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:52 pm

Not in the mood for new music lately, I've been on a nostalgia kick revisiting a lot of bands from the early 2000s when I was in high school- A lot of bands I wrote off as juvenile but now sort of appreciate more: Blink 182 , Smashing Pumpkins etc. Also old college staples like Dinosaur Jr. (but they're older than that.) Most recently I was on a big Pavement/Steven Malkmus kick. It's been a while since I found really new music I like and I'm comfortable for the time being sticking with what I know. Don't know how long that will last.

Guess it depends on the definition of new. I'm have a bit of a nostalgia itch lately too. So I would consider a gem to find someone selling something older that is out of print. Actually the Perfect CD that I picked up was recorded in the 90's and finally released in the mid 2000's and is no longer in print. So whether it is old or new, it can still be a treasure.

Have tended not to use one lately, I have an audio interface I use with GarageBand to record, and play through a PA monitor. It actually sounds... Good.

Actually don't use the amp much at home. A lot of times I'l just doodle unplugged. But I have enjoyed getting back to using the amp when I play a church rather than using the Line 6 multi-effect / modeler plugged into the PA. The Supro and Musicman amps are more window shopping for me right now. I don't think I could justify the cost of another amp for how often I would use it.

Along the line of my amp search, Don Rich, Buck Owens, Dwight Yoakam and Merle Haggard have been on the Itunes play list most days. :elguitar054:

Let it twang! Been thinking about Uncle Tupelo and Son Volt lately, looking to add some of those old records to the collection.

Music: I don't really listen to the radio anymore. I go through phase. I was listening to Bob Marley for months, then shifted to the Police for a few months, then to Tom Petty, then to 21 Pilots, then to Paul Williams (specifically the Phantom of the Paradise soundtrack) and Jeff Wayne's Musical version of the War of the Worlds. It's kind of an eclectic mess really. I used to sing, and so a lot of the music I like was formerly music I liked to sing. My range is all messed up now (stupid aging), so that explains some of it.

I don't listen to the radio that much either. I have long commute and I am usually listening to something burned on my hard drive in the vehicle. Commercial radio really has become commercials. I tend to prefer "listener supported radio" but most of those I can only get via internet, so I usually listen to those on the weekends. More often if I'm listening to the radio in the car it is talk radio.

Re: LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:08 pm

First G&L
My first is my '87 SC3 . Found it on eBay in December, no one bid on it and it was a local pickup (Culver City anyway.) Pics were dreadful, you could barely tell what it was- But it's actually in great condition minus a lot of belt rash on the back. Best vibrato in the world as far as staying in tune. Basically I couldn't turn down a Fullerton, Leo-era G&L for under $400 .

I thought I got a good deal getting my SC-3 for $699. $400, that is awesome. The SC-3 are fun guitars. Is it version prior to the pickguard? It think it was around then that they transitioned to the final version of the SC-3. Congratulations!

First G&L: Mine was an American 93 Legacy. I traded it this year (with no regrets) for a brand new Taylor 214 deluxe. If I hadn't had a Tribute Comanche that I absolutely love, I probably wouldn't have traded it away, but I really wanted a new Taylor. I ended up buying another Tribute as well (to make me feel better (blueburst ASAT Special, sounds great!) about my loss). Whenever I play out, I am almost always playing the Comanche.

Yes, I remember that now. I loved the transparent green finish. Congratulations on the Taylor, good to hear you have no regrets. Sounds like you got a winner with the Comanche!

My first G&L was a black Asat Classic Signature. Was my last purchase prior to getting married, so G&L kept my sanity prior to marriage. The madness has continued for 26 years. Both marriage and G&L purchases!

I'd say you did well with all those awesome ASATs you have shown over the years that she gifted you. You got yourself a keeper!

Cheers everyone, Dan

Re: LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:20 pm

looks like i missed lunch yesterday!

lunch today was some kind of chili, perhaps with mystery meat, tasted good enough, still alive...

1st G&L was a '13 tribute Legacy, black with tort guard and maple neck. loved the p'ups, the PTB and the DFV bridge-tailpiece, played a few gigs with it, loved it more, sold my strats and jumped on G&LDP.

amp: recently have been gigging with a modded carvin nomad 1x12 combo for a 3 man reggae/blues band. It is of the "vintage tube" series, had some mods on the circuits done by a guy in Fullerton Calif, i put in a WGS speaker more to my liking and subbed in 12AT7 tubes at V2 and PI in the preamp to tame the gain in the beast, now sounds pretty awesome. I have been switching off between my black '84 Skyhawk and an oly white '07 usa strat with cs texas special p'ups, depending on the mood.

new music: i explore new stuff pretty frequently, but the most interesting to me lately has been "wide spread panic", whom i've seen at music festivals 2 years in a row and was blown away by their music, none of which i knew, other than covers. how did i miss these guys, they've been around since mid-80's in various versions. i find their original music refreshing, their jams are intense and their lead player, Jimmy Herring, is amazing. i may have to catch one of their shows at Red Rocks, they have the record for playing there the most.

Re: LUNCH REPORT - Tuesday 25 SEP 18

Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:37 pm

WitSok wrote:I thought I got a good deal getting my SC-3 for $699. $400, that is awesome. The SC-3 are fun guitars. Is it version prior to the pickguard? It think it was around then that they transitioned to the final version of the SC-3. Congratulations!

Thanks, and nope- not the banana plate version :) Pickguard version (aka, Skyhawk missing a knob.) There were two later sub-varieties of SC3 - one is the same as below but with a smaller truss nut and maple finished headstock/neck, and a final one (at least one example online) with a Legacy style body & two knobs. This has a body stamp '87 , not sure on the actual build.
