Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:49 am

Lunch: I'm in the office today, but I didn't bring much for lunch - just a packet of generic onion soup mix that I plan to put in my miniature rice cooker to flavor up some Basmati rice I have on hand. I am hoping it fits the bill.

Favorite video I watched this week.: is Joey Landreth Live at the Layman Drug Company, performing a song from '66 written by "The Invincible's" (though most people like the 1970 version of this tune better) Joey Landreth's version follows the 1979 version by Ry Cooder: [video][/video]

The Ry Cooder version is also very good.

G & L Related Topic for the day: Personal Brand Evangelism
I live up in Canada. Yesterday we had our provincial election and the race was pretty tight. We had three different parties to choose from, and our neighborhood has been inundated these past few days with representatives from each of the three parties knocking on doors and encouraging people to go out and vote in general, and to hopefully vote for the party they represent. To that end when the doorbell rang yet again, everyone in my family fled to the back of the house like cockroaches exiting a dark room when the light comes on. I was working from home in the basement, so I expected someone to answer the door, and by the third knock, I was a little annoyed with my family, and trudged upstairs to get the door.

We had had one of those short but crazy heavy cloudbursts earlier that morning. Our front street was flooded by about 20 inches of cold, Canada rain. My wife had to drive my eldest daughter to work, and wasn't sure the car could make it through the water. So I rolled up my jeans like Huck Finn, and grabbed the rake to clear out the gutter in front of my house which was clogged with wet autumnal foliage that at first was lifted by the water, floated for a bit, then charged the drain clogging it, and becoming a kind of slimy mess that wasn't going anywhere on it's on. So I proceeded to stand in the muck and rake, rake, rake. ten minutes of raking and I cleared the drain and brought the water level down to four or five inches so my wife could take my daughter through it.

I mention that because when I went back down to work, I just toweled off my feet, and went back to my computer and resumed work.

By the time the knock on the door came the rain-burst was a memory, but as I came to the top of the stairs I remembered that I had my pants up. We have several glass panes in the door, so the fellow who had been patiently waiting outside, could see me coming up, so I thought it would be bad form to turn around, and go change, then come back to answer the door. So I came out as I was, looking for all the world to be some kind of hick, lacking only a straw hat on my head, and a shoot of grass in my mouth.

Before I could even say hello, he said, "I like your guitars, I play bass."

I have a few guitars hanging in the living room that are visible from the window, and I suppose waiting out there for a while he happened to notice them.

Well, let me say that I liked the guy right away. I knew he was there to pitch for his party, and he knew that I knew that, so having made him wait - this was a great ice breaker. I immediately asked him what sort of music he played and what sort of equipment he was on. He had a few basses, but his favorite was a Fender. I immediately asked him what he knew about G & L basses and guitars. He knew the brand, and the relevant history, but hadn't played on one yet. So I suggested he try a JB2 - I have one and love it. I pointed him at a few others, and then apologized for answering the door with my pants rolled up to my knees. We laughed and then he pitched his pitch, and like a good person I thanked him for letting me know wished him success in his efforts.

Share with us if you will, the last time you evangelized in person to someone about G & L.

Three things true about me and one thing false:
I have an IQ of 154 last time I tested
I studied in school how to design computer chips, but ended up going into software
I flunked out of University
I am a volunteer fireman

Have a great lunch today!!
Last edited by DanDoulogos on Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:59 am

Dan, you are a great story teller! I did this a quick read, but will come back later.


Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:14 am


Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:26 am

Hey Dan!

Thanks for providing the G&L lunch nourishment, we’ve all been either starving or on a “diet”. Like Kit said, great storytelling, maybe there is a novel hidden in that 154 IQ. Gotta believe that’s one of the True ones. Not so sure about flunking out of University. :evilgrin:

No lunch today. Busy running errands and one will lead to a post in near future.

G&L evangelism is a wonderful thing. Been a while, but at a shop in San Antonio Texas a while back that unfortunately did not carry G&L. Of course I extolled the virtues of G&L, my preference of an ASAT over a tele and and how these are the best Leo ever produced. It did not go on deaf ears. Even though he said he liked G&L guitars was not taking on any more brands for some reason I don’t recall. I left with a pleasant, “too bad, I was looking for G&L today”. :happy0065:

Good luck with cleanup, I guess that could go for either the house or the election! :lol:

Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:01 pm

Hi Dan, great story!

lunch was a dunkin breakfast sandwich (breakfast was a banana and coffee!) as i was on the road

video this week: i used to play this song at coffeehouse performances when i was in college. i was thinking about it again this week cause it is so soulful, Lowell George and Little Feat from 1979, recorded it right before he passed


evanG&Lization: i played a gig last month using my new-to-me ASAT Classic S. we went on 1st, then another band followed. their lead guitarist was interested in my "Tele". he liked the tones and its good looks so i did have the chance to talk up the brand. He had an HSS strat and a rickenbacker and was an excellent player.

Dan, I haven't seen you mention fire fighter before...

Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:31 am

Sitting in my morning chair sipping my morning americano answering You Tube comments and peeking over at my L-1000 bass and pumped for another day of working on Tower of Power's What is Hip. Caught up on chores and personal missions. Bass day. Chilly Minnesota morn as Fall shows itself.
Very much enjoyed reading your story and could picture it all in my mind. Good writing. And yes I too evangelize G&L.
There is a G&L SB-2 at our local Guitar Center. Felling I must go at least visit it and get my hands on it. Just want to hear what it has to say.
Lunch yesterday was a few Swiss cheese slices and a Kachava drink. I'm on a bit of an energy eating plan so lunch is just to get me to dinner.


Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:29 am

john o wrote:
Dan, I haven't seen you mention fire fighter before...

Ah, You got me. I wanted to be a fire fighter, but I ended up going into computer engineering, and eventually became a developer. I have regrets.

Perfect Imperfection is one of my favorites. I didn't really listen to Little Feat in my early years. I was rather narrow in my tastes at the time, and pretty immature in my approach to playing. I never had a teacher, and there was no internet, so I really only learned to play the songs I had albums for, and songs I heard often enough of the radio to cop. It was only later that they came out with Tab magazines (we all used 'em, didn't we?) But switched from Classic Rock to the blues, and then sort of did the same thing with the blues. At some point, that all started to fade away, and I really didn't care what genre a song came from, if it tickled me musically, or impressed me technically.

Bottom line is that one day I heard "Roll Um Easy" on the radio and I thought - how do I not know this band??!? Roll Um Easy is probably my favorite Little Feat song, but there are a bunch I love and my top 3 LF songs would be #2 Perfect imperfection and Sailing Shoes would round that at #3. I reserve the right to make whichever one I happen to be listening to at any time, my #1 from the band. Yeahhh... Two Trains would fit in my top 3 also, even though that would make it four.

Actually, Joey Landreth does (what I think) is a great - up tempo - rendition of Sailing Shoes - very well done in fact, I think I like it just as much as the original.

Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:35 am

Shug wrote:Sitting in my morning chair sipping my morning americano answering You Tube comments and peeking over at my L-1000 bass and pumped for another day of working on Tower of Power's What is Hip. Caught up on chores and personal missions. Bass day. Chilly Minnesota morn as Fall shows itself.
Very much enjoyed reading your story and could picture it all in my mind. Good writing. And yes I too evangelize G&L.
There is a G&L SB-2 at our local Guitar Center. Felling I must go at least visit it and get my hands on it. Just want to hear what it has to say.
Lunch yesterday was a few Swiss cheese slices and a Kachava drink. I'm on a bit of an energy eating plan so lunch is just to get me to dinner.

Shug - that was one funky video - loved it. Thanks for sharing that!

I'm just north of you in Manitoba - I am with you about the autumn chill. Had to light the pilot light the other day, and get the furnace going. Sigh.

Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:32 pm

nice version of sailin' shoes by Joey Landreth! Waiting for Columbus came out when i was a senior in HS. We listened alot.
Love those New Orleans style beats, Lowel's compressed slide work and soulful singing.
Time Loves a Hero is one of my fav's, but fat man in the bathtub, all that you dream, spanish moon, willin'...
and this one:


Re: Lunch Report 04 October 2023

Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:20 am

john o wrote:nice version of sailin' shoes by Joey Landreth! Waiting for Columbus came out when i was a senior in HS. We listened alot.
Love those New Orleans style beats, Lowel's compressed slide work and soulful singing.
Time Loves a Hero is one of my fav's, but fat man in the bathtub, all that you dream, spanish moon, willin'...

When ever I think of Time love a hero, I think of how many times I added a few extra R's in Puerto Rico because of that tune. ;)

Thanks John