New M-2500 for FreddyB

Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:27 am


Been registered on the forum for several years...just never posted much. I just got this USA M-2500 a week ago and really am enjoying playing it. Some significant tonal and playing differences between the L-2500 Tribby and this one.


Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:42 pm

Very nice FreddyB, The M25 has been my go to in the last year. -- Darwin

Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:30 pm

Well Darwin, it's my only go to now since I made a fellow in Ft. Smith, AR pretty happy yesterday when he bought my L-2500 Tribby. It certainly is a joy to play...


Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:29 pm

FreddyB, This my go to and it is a Tribute. My other G&L's are American and this one just does it well. -- Darwin

Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:39 pm

Hello Darwin,

I had a lot of good times playing the L-2500 Tribby...the M-2500 has a different feel and sound that I like a little better. I could've sent the M-2500 back if I wanted since shipping was prepaid, but after several days of playing, I decided to keep it. I did change out the strings that came with it (D'Addario) to some Elixir strings (.130-.45). It'll be the last electric bass that I'll buy...but, there may be an upright bass in my future. Some of the guys in our little group want to go all acoustic...ya never know.


Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:20 pm

what the difference between the L2500 and a M2500 ??..... (I'm a guitar guy in case this is a stupid question)

Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:17 pm

Eric, I'll take a shot at this. The L has a bit hotter pickups and has 3 switches. One switches between between active/passive, one is a treble boost/coil splitter and one I believe is switching between pickups. The M has a volume control and a blend control between pickups, and has 3 smaller pots for bass, mid, and treble. The M is active only. I think that covers the basics. I usually set my controls before starting a gig and change where Ii pick the strings for different tone. Someone may add more or correct me. It's been over a year since I had the L. -- Darwin

Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:58 pm


Darwin hit the nail on the head...the M-2500 has different pickups, different electronics, and is active all the time. And Darwin is also correct about the strings...the Elixir's made a difference that I liked in tone and playability. And you know how it is with guitars...they all feel a little different and sound a little different due to the wood used and the finish that has been applied. I wish I knew a lot more about guitars, but I've reached the age that I just like playing mine and I'm not going to worry about the details...Happy Holidays to all!


Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:17 pm


Look for the demo vids by the Bass Whisperer Ed Friedland in this list on the G&L website. He does an outstanding job demoing G&L basses and it will be abundantly clear what the differences are (or not) between L- and M-series after watching this vid:

He has a separate vid for the M-2500.

I could only find his demo of the L-2000 Tribute model but that should be rather insignificant.

- Jos

Re: New M-2500 for FreddyB

Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:54 am

thanks guys , been toying with the idea of getting a Bass next spring